International Journal of Social and Management Studies: Announcements <p>IJOSMAS (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES) e-ISSN : 2775-0809 is a scientific journal as a tool of knowledge development in Social Science and management science field. This journal consist of lecturers, researchers and partitions study. Journal IJOSMAS was published since 2021 by </p> <p>AGUSPATI RESEARCH INSTITUTA<br />SK Kemenkumham AHU-0054821-AH.01.14 Tahun 2021<br />Akta Pendirian No 332 Tgl 26-8-2021 Notaris NURLISA UKE DESY, SH. Mkn</p> en-US Sun, 24 Jan 2021 00:29:14 +0700 OJS 60