International Journal of Social and Management Studies
<p>IJOSMAS (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES) e-ISSN : 2775-0809 is a scientific journal as a tool of knowledge development in Social Science and management science field. This journal consist of lecturers, researchers and partitions study. Journal IJOSMAS was published since 2021 by </p> <p>AGUSPATI RESEARCH INSTITUTA<br />SK Kemenkumham AHU-0054821-AH.01.14 Tahun 2021<br />Akta Pendirian No 332 Tgl 26-8-2021 Notaris NURLISA UKE DESY, SH. Mkn</p>IJOSMASen-USInternational Journal of Social and Management Studies2775-0809Unlocking Organizational Potential through Transformational Leadership: A Literature Review on Innovation and Performance
<p><em>Transformational leadership has been widely recognized as an effective leadership style in driving innovation, improving performance, and shaping adaptive organizational culture. This article aims to comprehensively examine the influence of transformational leadership on innovation, performance, and organizational culture through a literature review. This research identifies four key dimensions of transformational leadership-idealized influence (charisma), inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration-that contribute to the achievement of organizational goals and individual development. The results of the literature review indicate that transformational leaders are not only able to improve performance and drive innovation, but also build an organizational culture that supports collaboration, openness to change, and empowerment of team members. The practical implications of this study emphasize the importance of developing transformational leadership skills to create an environment that motivates employees, encourages creativity, and ensures the sustainability of innovation in organizations. In addition, this study also provides insight into the role of readiness to change in enhancing transformational leadership effectiveness. Theoretically, this article enriches the literature on transformational leadership, providing new perspectives on the application of this leadership style in the context of dynamic organizational change.</em></p>Masduki AsbariDewiana Novitasari
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social and Management Studies
2024-12-282024-12-2856496910.5555/ijosmas.v5i6.460Myth in Pride and Prejudice
<p><em>By using Roland Barthes' myth theory as a lens, this research attempts to understand Mrs. Bennet's role in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. The story of social norms and women's standing in the early 19th century is greatly influenced by Mrs. Bennet, who is frequently seen as an example of an obnoxious and foolish housewife. The present research applies Barthes' myth theory to investigate how Mrs. Bennet's persona both reflects and perpetuates prevailing cultural beliefs regarding women's roles, marriage, and social stratification in Elizabethan English society. This study employs a qualitative descriptive method. This research result is finding out that the hidden meaning or myth in this film that Mrs. Bennet is not simply a humorous figure, but also a symbol of the social pressures that middle-class mothers experience in marrying off their children in order to increase their social standing and economic security. The present research uses semiotic analysis to show how Mrs. Bennet's behaviour and concern with marriage can be interpreted as a manifestation of a myth that relates a woman's worth to her marriage success, hence perpetuating gender stereotypes and divides between classes.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>Nia Liska SaputriAgustina RamadhiantiIrfan Hadi
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social and Management Studies
2024-12-162024-12-1656293510.5555/ijosmas.v5i6.455How Transformational Leadership Enhancing School's Performance: a Systematic Literature Review
<p><strong><em>Abstract - </em></strong><em>This study aims to systematically review the literature on how transformational leadership can improve school performance, as well as identify the factors that play a role in the effectiveness of such leadership in the educational environment. Using a systematic literature review (SLR) of empirical articles from leading journals in the past five years, the study filtered and encoded key findings to understand the influence of transformational leadership. The findings show that transformational leadership significantly improves school performance through teacher motivation, collaborative culture development, and increased staff commitment. Trust, collegial support, and the school climate often mediate these effects. The main limitation of this study is that the scope of the data is limited by periods and geographical regions, which may affect the generalization of the findings. Further research is recommended to explore the long-term impact and integrate cross-cultural perspectives. These results guide school leaders and policymakers in developing effective leadership strategies to improve performance. </em></p>Ardin SianiparAyu Yulianti Putri
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social and Management Studies
2024-12-282024-12-2856364810.5555/ijosmas.v5i6.453Optimizing Digital Accounting to Improve MSME Performance through the Quality of Accounting Information
<p><em>This study examines the impact of digital accounting usage on the performance of SMEs participating in the e-peken platform in Surabaya, with accounting information quality as a mediating variable. Using a quantitative method with SEM-PLS analysis, this research involved 350 SMEs as respondents. The results show that digital accounting usage positively influences accounting information quality, and accounting information quality positively affects SME performance. However, digital accounting usage does not directly influence SME performance. Accounting information quality is proven to mediate the relationship between digital accounting usage and SME performance. These findings highlight the importance of focusing on improving accounting information quality in digital technology adoption to enhance SME performance. The implications of this research include recommendations for developing comprehensive training programs and policies that support digital accounting adoption and improve financial literacy among SMEs.</em></p>Erna HendrawatiKholidiah KholidiahMira Pramudianti
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social and Management Studies
2024-11-082024-11-085611310.5555/ijosmas.v5i6.438Linking Religiosity and Work-Family Conflict to Employee Performance via Job Satisfaction: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
<p><em>The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of religion and work-family conflict on employee performance by utilizing job satisfaction as an intervening variable. The workforce of the manufacturing industry will be used as the sample population, and there will be a total of 120 individuals involved in the study. For the purpose of this study, the data gathering method that was utilized was a questionnaire. The analysis method that was utilized was Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), and the SmartPLS version 3.0 was utilized. The result of this research showed that religiosity has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction, the work-family conflict has a significant negative effect on job satisfaction, religiosity has a significant positive effect on employee performance, work-family conflict does not significantly affect employee performance, job satisfaction has a significant positive effect to employee performance, religiosity has a significant positive effect to employee performance through job satisfaction as an intervening variable, work-family conflict does not significantly affect the employee performance through job satisfaction as an intervening variable. It is possible that the findings of this study could serve as a foundation for enhancing and sustaining the performance of an organization by focusing on religious improvement and addressing the work-family conflict that is encountered by working individuals.</em></p>Nelson SilitongaSurosoGazaliGusli ChidirMasduki Asbari
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social and Management Studies
2024-12-292024-12-2956708610.5555/ijosmas.v5i6.461Synergy of Social and Managerial Strategies in 21st-Century Inclusive Differentiated Learning
<p><em>Learning in the 21st century demands an approach that is responsive to the diversity of learners. Differentiated learning is a strategic solution to accommodate diverse needs, interests, and abilities, and to create an inclusive learning environment. This article analyzes the synergy between social and managerial aspects in the implementation of differentiated learning, emphasizing four main elements: differentiation of content, process, product, and learning environment. This approach is supported by educational theories such as Gardner's multiple intelligences and Piaget's cognitive development, which emphasize the importance of adjusting learning methods based on learner characteristics. Differentiated learning also supports the implementation of a flexible Independent Curriculum, the use of technology, and the integration of 21st-century skills (4C). However, its implementation faces challenges such as limited resources, time management, and resistance to change. Through teacher training support, collaboration between school management, teachers, and parents, and a culture-based approach, differentiated learning can reduce educational disparities. This strategy has been shown to increase student engagement, motivation, and achievement, while creating relevant, inclusive, and equitable learning experiences in the era of globalization.</em></p>Imroatun HasanaNita AfrianiMaulana YusufNida HamidahPragiwati SetianaRizky Ulfa Rini SafitriFarhah Millaty KamalyaEfri Gresinta
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social and Management Studies
2024-12-292024-12-2956879710.5555/ijosmas.v5i6.459Platform Merdeka Mengajar sebagai Inovasi dalam Dunia Pendidikan
<p><em>Platform Merdeka Mengajar (PMM) merupakan sebuah inovasi digital yang dikembangkan untuk mendukung implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka di Indonesia. Platform ini dirancang sebagai solusi teknologi pendidikan yang memberikan akses kepada guru untuk meningkatkan kompetensi profesional melalui berbagai sumber belajar, pelatihan mandiri, serta komunitas berbagi praktik baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran dan dampak PMM terhadap peningkatan kompetensi guru, motivasi mengajar, dan kualitas pembelajaran di sekolah. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan data yang diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, kuesioner, dan analisis dokumen dari guru-guru yang aktif menggunakan PMM di beberapa daerah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PMM berkontribusi positif terhadap peningkatan kompetensi pedagogik dan profesional guru, terutama melalui fitur video pembelajaran, perangkat ajar, dan modul pelatihan mandiri. Guru melaporkan peningkatan motivasi dalam menyusun rencana pembelajaran yang lebih kreatif dan relevan dengan kebutuhan siswa. Selain itu, fitur komunitas dalam PMM memungkinkan guru untuk berbagi pengalaman, mendiskusikan tantangan, dan mencari solusi bersama, sehingga membangun budaya kolaborasi yang lebih kuat.</em></p>RahmawatiEfri GresintaSuhendra
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social and Management Studies
2024-12-162024-12-1656242810.5555/ijosmas.v5i6.454The Effect of Work Discipline, Work Motivation and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance Improvement Strategies at Bogor City Hospital in 2024
<p><em>Research This done for know whether Discipline Work, Motivation Work and Culture Existing organizations​ capable give influence towards the improvement strategy performance employees at Bogor City Hospital This research use method Descriptive Quantitative involving 66 respondents​ non-medical employees at Bogor City Hospital. From the results data processing found r count > r table and t count > t table and seen from the significance produced it is <0.005 then This means that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. or Variables Independent influential to Variables Dependent. Discipline Work, Motivation Work and Culture Organization become something that is certainly very important because of with existence If Discipline Work, Motivation Work and Culture Organization applied so will become positive influence, result​ or the impact of course positive to existing employees.</em></p>Dillah Lidinil QoyimahYuhelmis Yuhelmis
Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social and Management Studies