Impact of Price, Time, Trust, and Convenience to Shopee Consumers' Online Shopping Behavior


  • John Evan Bulacan College of Commerce and Business Administration,University of Santo Tomas,Manila, Philippines
  • Joeseph Co College of Commerce and Business Administration,University of Santo Tomas,Manila, Philippines
  • Beatriz Chrisanne Milan College of Commerce and Business Administration, University of Santo Tomas
  • Ronald Fernandez College of Commerce and Business Administration,University of Santo Tomas,Manila, Philippines



Shopee, Online Shopping, E-commerce


This study evaluated the impact of four factors on the online shopping behavior of consumers in the online shopping platform Shopee in the Philippines, namely price, time, trust, and convenience. With e-commerce set to attain further expansion, the need to understand consumers' constantly changing behavior towards online shopping platforms has emerged. There are numerous studies regarding e-commerce; however, there are limited studies regarding the rapidly growing platform Shopee in the Philippines. Data was gathered through an online survey platform, Google Forms, and the survey questionnaire was composed of four significant parts: Price, Time, Trust, and Convenience. The study used Pearson correlation to evaluate the linear relationship between each factor to customers' online shopping behavior in Shopee. A number of 303 respondents participated in the study which was composed of Shopee users residing in the Philippines. The outcomes of the study indicate that price, time, trust, and convenience all have an impact on customers' online shopping behavior in Shopee Philippines.


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How to Cite

Bulacan, J. E., Co, J., Milan, B. C., & Fernandez, R. (2022). Impact of Price, Time, Trust, and Convenience to Shopee Consumers’ Online Shopping Behavior. International Journal of Social and Management Studies, 3(4), 34–47.


