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Some IJOSMAS articles already indexed by scopus papers:


Purwanto, A., Asbari, M., Hartuti, H., Setiana, Y. N., & Fahmi, K. (2021). Effect of Psychological Capital and Authentic Leadership on Innovation Work Behavior. International Journal of Social and Management Studies2(1), 1-13.

( Cited by 2 papers):

  2. Hindarsah, I. (2021). The Influence of Service Quality, Emotional Marketing and Spiritual Marketing On Customer Satisfaction. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT)12(3), 3685-3689.


Novitasari, D., Siswanto, E., Purwanto, A., & Fahmi, K. (2020). Authentic Leadership and Innovation: What is the Role of Psychological Capital?. International Journal of Social and Management Studies1(1), 1-21.

( Cited by 3 papers):

  1. Hindarsah, I. (2021). The Influence of Service Quality, Emotional Marketing and Spiritual Marketing On Customer Satisfaction. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT)12(3), 3685-3689.
  2. Wirawati, S. M., Arthawati, S. N., Khamaludin, M. F., Novitasari, D., Adwiyah, R., & Juwaini, A. (2021). The Effect of Social Media, Consumer Trust and E-Service Quality on Purchase Intention of Online Transportation Services. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 7686-7695.
  3. Setiawati, N. P. A., Sunarsi, D., Nurjaya, S., Manan, A., Nurhadi, A., Erlangga, H., ... & Purwanto, A. (2021). Effect of Technology Acceptance Factors, Website Service Quality and Specific Holdup Cost on Customer Loyalty: A Study in Marketing Departement of Packaging Industry. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 12685-12697.


Putra, A. S., Waruwu, H., Asbari, M., Novitasari, D., & Purwanto, A. (2020). Leadership in the Innovation Era: Transactional or Transformational Style?. International Journal of Social and Management Studies1(1), 89-94.

( Cited by 1 papers):

  1. Hindarsah, I. (2021). The Influence of Service Quality, Emotional Marketing and Spiritual Marketing On Customer Satisfaction. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT)12(3), 3685-3689.


Supratman, O. V., Entang, M., & Tukiran, M. (2021). The Relationship of Charismatic Leadership, Employee Personality, and Employee Performance: Evidence from PT. Karya Abadi Luhur. International Journal of Social and Management Studies2(2), 17-41.

( Cited by 3 papers):

  1. Hindarsah, I. (2021). The Influence of Service Quality, Emotional Marketing and Spiritual Marketing On Customer Satisfaction. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT)12(3), 3685-3689.
  2. Wirawati, S. M., Arthawati, S. N., Khamaludin, M. F., Novitasari, D., Adwiyah, R., & Juwaini, A. (2021). The Effect of Social Media, Consumer Trust and E-Service Quality on Purchase Intention of Online Transportation Services. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 7686-7695.
  3. Setiawati, N. P. A., Sunarsi, D., Nurjaya, S., Manan, A., Nurhadi, A., Erlangga, H., ... & Purwanto, A. (2021). Effect of Technology Acceptance Factors, Website Service Quality and Specific Holdup Cost on Customer Loyalty: A Study in Marketing Departement of Packaging Industry. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 12685-12697.


Asbari, Masduki, Dylmoon Dylmoon Hidayat, and Agus Purwanto. "Managing Employee Performance: From Leadership to Readiness for Change." International Journal of Social and Management Studies 2, no. 1 (2021): 74-85.

( Cited by 2 papers):

  1. Hindarsah, I. (2021). The Influence of Service Quality, Emotional Marketing and Spiritual Marketing On Customer Satisfaction. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT)12(3), 3685-3689.
  2. Pratama, A. (2021). The Influence Of Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Motivation And Compensation On Mathematics School TeacherPerformance. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT)12(3), 3679-3684.